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Frequently Asked Questions


We've compiled a wide selection of frequently asked questions and grouped them together to help you learn more about Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)

rTMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. It is used to treat several neuro-psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neuropathic pain, addiction to alcohol, drugs and tobacco) in noninvasively stimulating the brain using a magnetic field, similar to that produced by an MRI machine. During rTMS therapy, a magnetic field is administered in the form of short current pulses held near the scalp so that the magnetic field can be focused on specific areas of the brain and penetrate a depth of 3-4 cm into the cerebral cortex.

Once the rTMS device is positioned, it creates short, deep magnetic pulses that target and stimulate brain cells (neurons) in the cortex to restore normal function to these underperforming areas of the brain. These impulses follow each other in rapid succession and stimulate regions of the brain related to emotion.

rTMS therapy is indicated for the treatment of several neuro-psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neuropathic pain, addiction to alcohol, drugs and tobacco…) in adult patients who have not obtained satisfactory improvements after usual treatment. rTMS is available by prescription from a doctor. It can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings, including doctors offices, clinics and hospitals. Although rTMS therapy is considered a well-tolerated treatment with very few limitations, it is not suitable for certain patients:
- Patients with a history of seizures;
- Patients with any type of non-metal removable in the head (except braces or dental fillings);
- Patients with any type of non-removable metal within 30cm of the location of the copper coil.

Patients treated with rTMS therapy should receive two treatments per day, five days per week for a duration of 3 weeks. The duration of a treatment is 15 minutes. Some patients may require maintenance therapy to prevent relapses.

rTMS therapy is well tolerated and has been shown to be safe. Because it is not a drug, rTMS therapy does not have the side effects that are often associated with common drugs.

The most common treatment-related side effect is scalp discomfort during treatment sessions. This side effect is usually mild to moderate and occurs less often after the first week of treatment. Migraine sufferers tolerate treatment well and some find that their migraines improve with rTMS therapy. If needed, you can treat this discomfort with an over-the-counter pain reliever.

rTMS treatments are like tapping on the skull. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is essentially painless. However, some side effects have been noted such as mild to moderate tenderness. The most commonly observed side effect is mild scalp irritation and headache. Any observed side effects are only temporary.

rTMS is usually recommended for 3-5 weeks depending on how quickly the patient's mood improves and remains stable. It is not uncommon for patients to begin to feel results within the second week of treatment.
In clinical trials, over 50% of patients experienced significant symptom relief for intractable depression.

Some benefits of rTMS include increased vitality, better sleep, better concentration, and improved interpersonal relationships.
Unlike drugs and other forms of treatment, rTMS is not associated with common side effects such such as weight gain, sexual problems, drowsiness or memory loss. rTMS is ideal because it has none of the side effects of traditional medications and because it is a non-invasive procedure; it does not involve any surgery or sedation.
rTMS can be effective in treating a wide range of medical conditions, including tinnitus, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress (PTSD), postpartum depression and addiction.

No, the two procedures are very different. ECT is a treatment based on the use of electricity to induce seizures. Conversely, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation uses magnetic pulses to noninvasively stimulate specific brain regions. ECT requires anesthesia and can cause serious side effects, including memory loss. rTMS therapy is performed in our offices, requires no anesthesia and has no systemic side effects.