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What is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation?

rTMS therapy procedure

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a process in which brain electrical activity is influenced by a pulsed magnetic field. The magnetic field is generated by short current pulses passing through a figure 8 shaped copper coil. This coil is enclosed in a plastic case and is held close to the scalp so that the magnetic field can be focused on specific areas of the cortex or brain surface.

The magnetic field that is generated by rTMS can safely and painlessly penetrate the scalp and skull to induce current in specific regions of the brain. It's called repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation or rTMS because the magnetic stimulation is delivered at regular intervals.

Learn more about rTMS

rTMS is a brain stimulation technique used primarily in the treatment of neuro-psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance use disorder (tobacco, alcohol, drugs),auditory hallucinations, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, tinnitus..
Using a coil that is applied to the scalp of the user, magnetic pulses are sent which will induce electric currents in the neurons of the region of the cortex targeted.
No anesthetic agent is needed.
During the procedure, which lasts approximately 15 minutes, the user is alert and no rest or recovery period is necessary thereafter.
You may return to your normal occupations including driving your automobile. The treatments are given twice a day, 5 days a week, for a total of 30 treatments.
rTMS stimulates neurons and increases their metabolism and excitability.
In addition, certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin are modulated, these substances are important in mood.
rTMS has been proven effective in the treatment of several neurological disorders. psychiatric patients with a positive response of up to 50% in refractory depression for example.
Most users see an improvement in their symptoms after a few sessions.
rTMS is considered a safe technique.
This magnetic field is equivalent to that of a magnetic resonance.
To date, no medical problems have been identified for users or staff who were exposed to the magnetic fields of an MRI.
Make sure you understand the information provided by your doctor or nurse about rTMS. Do not hesitate to ask questions. You are encouraged to tell your loved ones about it.
You must inform your doctor of all the medication that has been prescribed for you as well as that which has not been prescribed.
This treatment is not indicated if you have a ferromagnetic metal implant (aneurysm clips, medical pump, etc.) within 30 centimeters of the treatment coil.
Closer medical supervision is necessary if you suffer of epilepsy.
Users receive an average of 2 treatments of 15 minutes per day, 5 days a week for a total of 30 treatments, i.e. 3 weeks of treatment in total.

Make an appointment

If you want a consultation, do not hesitate to contact us to check if you are eligible for transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment.